​KONYA LIFE SCIENCE is a INDIA’s only 100% bio product manufacturer in the animal health care industry with a wide range of AMR (Anti Microbial Resistance) free products, Which are non chemical products and will help’s in growth and health. We are enhancing animal health and contributing to the sustainability with a strong emphasis on high-quality, great innovation and best customer satisfaction.
KONYA LIFE SCIENCE makes poultry antibiotics and probiotics products in form of water soluble powder, feed premix powder and feed premix granules. Our products are AMR (Anti Microbial Resistance) free products which are commonly used to treat or prevent bacterial infections and helps in growth, health and productivity. Our vision is to enhance poultry health and contribute to the sustainability with a strong emphasis on high-quality, great innovation and best customer satisfaction.
KONYA Water Soluble Powder is a substance that dissolve easily in water and is typically added to the birds drinking water. These additives can include vitamins, minerals, electrolytes, probiotics, enzymes and other nutritional supplements. Overall, water soluble powder play a vital role in maintaining the health, performance, and well-being of poultry by ensuring they receive essential nutrients and supplements through their drinking water.
KONYA Feed Premix Powder in poultry feed refers to a concentrated mixture of vitamins, minerals, amino acids, and other essential nutrients added to the feed in precise quantities. Feed Premix Powder is incorporated into the feed to ensure that the birds receive all the necessary nutrients for optimal growth, health, and production. Premixes are formulated based on the specific nutritional requirements of poultry at different stages of life and production, such as chicks, layers, or broilers.